
Title: Two Ngarigo message sticks in the care of Rhonda Casey

Notes: 03.05.24:PK: Rhonda Casey reached out to PK after hearing radio interview with PK and Lorina Barker, and followed up with a phone conversation on 3/5/24. She said: Ngarigo snowy mountains. Her maternal grandmother is a Manaru woman, and on her passing left a chest full of artefacts for the family which went to the eldest grandson John. They included coolamans clapping sticks, dilly bags etc. John lives at Tumbarumba. John has had them for forty years, looking after them. There are two they are about 8 inches long, one of them has a net carved on it. Unfortunately John polished them with boot polish. John's getting on and has a few health issues. Nanna probably got them from her mum. Rhonda can trace family about eight generations. Rhonda grew up around Tantangara dam. She will follow up with PK when she can get hold of John and get photographs.

Data Entry: Piers Kelly