
Title: A message stick made by Matthew Doyle, exchanged at Sir Doug Nicholls AFL Round

Description: Article online: "Match day information | Round 13 v Sydney": "Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander players will exchange a message stick with each other prior to the coin toss on Saturday night. Fremantle’s has been created by number one ticket holder Richard Walley, while Sydney’s has been created by Matthew Doyle, a member of the Muruwari and Eora nations."

Date Created: 2020

Notes on date created: 2020-08-22

Item type: footage of a message stick

Subtype: replicative

Linguistic area 1: Chirila: Muruwari Austlang: D32 - MURUWARI Glottolog: muru1266

Linguistic area 2: Chirila: Eora Austlang: S61 - Eora

Linguistic area 3: Chirila: Nyungar Austlang: W41 - NOONGAR / NYOONGAR Glottolog: nyun1247

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Media Files:

Data Entry: Piers Kelly