Title: Unfinished message sticks taken on Alwyn Doolan's Message Stick Walk
Description: These message sticks were created by Alwyn Doolan to take on his Message Stick Walk from Bamaga (Tip of Queensland) to Canberra ACT via Melbourne. Raising awarness of Reconciliation to inspire the youth, approx 7000km.
Creator of Object: Alwyn Doolan
Item type: message stick in a private collection
Subtype: political
State/Territory: QLD
Linguistic area 1: Chirila: Waka Waka Austlang: E28 - Wakka Wakka Glottolog: waka1274
Notes: Alwyn's email is: alwyn.r11@gmail.com "Hey Alwyn, I'm trying to learn everything I can about message sticks, past and present, and to share what I know with others. Can I store this photo in the archive I'm building, together with information about your walk?" "Piers Kelly sure that’s ok, just note that these are not finished work as of yet." "Thanks mate, I'll add a note about that so I can update it later. I think your mission is heroic."
Media Files:
Data Entry: Piers Kelly