
Title: Term for 'message stick' in Ngarinyin

Description: Original source gloss: "message stick (possible corruption of english, mark)"

Date Created: 1974

Notes on date created: terminus ante quem

Item type: lexical item

Linguistic area 1: Chirila: Ngarinyin Austlang: K18 - Ngarinyin Glottolog: ngar1284

Notes on linguistic areas: Based on Chirila database

Term for 'message stick' (or related) in language: mak


  • Coate, Howard H. J., and A. P. Elkin. 1974. Ngarinjin-English Dictionary. Vol. 16. Oceania Linguistic Monographs. Sydney: University of Sydney.
  • Source types: book

    Notes: PK: Text instantiates an early theory about mak being derived from 'mark'

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    Data Entry: Piers Kelly