
Title: A message stick tabled by Bob Brown in the Australian senate

Description: Accompanying documentation reads: "From the Gulbula Meeting at Garma, 3-4 August 2007. To the Australian Parliament. STOP THE LEGISLATION SIT DOWN AND TALK NO MORE DISPOSSESSION per Galarrwuy Yunupingu Brought by Raymitja Maria and Olga Haven. Bob Brown 8.8.07

Message: Stop the legislation. Sit down and talk. No more dispossession.

Item type: message stick in a collection

Subtype: political

Linguistic area 1: Chirila: Dhuwal Austlang: N141 - Gumatj Glottolog: guma1253

Notes on linguistic areas: This is the language of Galarrway Yunupingu. The origin of the message stick is Garma.

Cultural region: TopEnd_arnhem_east

Dimension 1: 195mm Dimension 2: 45mm

Source types: archive

Notes: Photograph and information provided by Paula Waring, Assistant Director, Procedure and Research Section, Department of the Senate

Media Files:

Data Entry: Piers Kelly