
Title: An image of a message stick in an article (1935)

Description: Part of an illustration to a fictional series in the Brisbane Telegraph featuring the adventures of Captain Coldweather, Tom Barnacle, Mrs Noah and Bosun Bill. It is likely that this artefact is from the collection of WE Roth, who is cited. Two other artefacts in the same photograph can be positively traced to Roth's collection as illustrated in Roth's 'Ethnological studies among the north-west-central Queensland Aborigines' (1897). The images two artefacts have been merged with the records derived from Roth (1897).

Date Created: 1935

Notes on date created: terminus ante quem, but if this is from Roth the t.a.q is year of fieldwork of which results were published in 1897

Item type: image of a message stick (artefact missing)


  • 1935 'PRIMITIVE LETTERS', The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 - 1947), 31 August, p. 16. (LATEST FINAL CABLES), viewed 19 Aug 2016,
  • Source types: newspaper article

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    Data Entry: Piers Kelly