Coordinates WGS8412°46'S, 135°50'E
-12.77, 135.84


Title: Euthanasia message stick

Description: Accompanying text reads: "This letter stick – ḏarpa dhāwumirri – is sent because it follows the ancient practice of our people – Yolŋu – when communicating with trading partners, in diplomatic alliances, or between Parliaments. This message is a special form of communication between the Parliaments of the Yolŋu Nation/States within East Arnhem Land, and the Commonwealth Parliament of Australia. It contains within its markings, a reference to Māgaya, which is the responsibility of the Parliament to the citizens. Māgaya is the peace, order and good government afforded the people constitutionally under Customary Law in a manner similar to the Australian Constitution as stated in section 5l. The Rights of the Terminally Ill Act of the Northern Territory is seen as breaking these fundamental constitutional responsibilities placed upon the Parliament. Further, Yolŋu Customary Law – "Common Law" – defines the enactment of the Northern Territory Act as an illegal action of sorcery punishable at law. For this reason this message endorses the action of Kevin Andrews MP to bring a Private Member's bill which will overturn the NT Act. Indeed, it is the sacred responsibility of this Parliament to do this. This message urges the members of both houses to support the Bill's passage into legislation. Sent from Arnhem Land on 7th day of August 1996."

Message: The Aboriginal People of Australia – Represented by the communites of East Arnhem Land – Gathered as an Aboriginal Parliament – Authorise – Djiniyini Gundarra through Stuart McMillan (Translator) – to commission Kevin Andrews MP – To deliver this message to the Commonwealth Parliament – Meeting in both the house of Representatives and the Senate – and the People of Australia

Item type: image of a message stick (artefact missing)

Subtype: political

State/Territory: NT

Linguistic area 1: Chirila: Yolngu Austlang: N230 - YOLNGU MATHA Glottolog: yuul1239

Cultural region: TopEnd_arnhem_east

Term for 'message stick' (or related) in language: ḏarpa dhāwumirri

Coordinates: 12°46'13.598400"S,135°50'10.600800"E  (-12.770444, 135.836278)

Notes on coordinates: Chirila centroids for Yolngu

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Data Entry: Piers Kelly