Title: A message stick from Queensland in the Völkerkundemuseum der Universität Zürich (VMZ)
Description: This message stick is part of a collection of 189 objects sent from the National Gallery of Victoria to the Schweizerisches Landesmuseum in Zürich, as noted on 31 May 1926. On this date, Spencer wrote to the Director, Scheizerisches Landesmuseum, Zurich: "Dear Sir, On his return from Europe where he had visited the Museum at Zurich my friend Professor Lodewyck discussed with us the question of sending to you a collection of specimens illustrating the Ethnology of Australian tribes in return for one from your Museum containing specimens from the Swiss Lake Dwellings. I also received the photographs that you were good enough to send. I am enclosing a list ofthe specimens which have been selected and will be forwarded to you as soon as possible from Melbourne. It is now difficult to procure genuine examples of many implements etc. but all of those sent are genuine. We shall be glad to receive the Swiss Lake Dwellings specimens from your Museum and leave the selection of these in your hands. Believe me, Yours faithfully, W. Baldwin Spencer. Director" The message stick is listed on digital page 12 as follows: "Registered number 13250. Message stick. Queensland". PK corresponded with Dr. Andreas Isler in October and November 2021 about the possibility that this message stick was collected by Walter Roth on Kalkatungu country given the striking similarity to one of Roth's sketches (WER1897PXVIIIF332). Having found an image of the reverse side of the object it appears that it is not the same, but the similarity remains, and may have been created in the same location. The card file from VMZ reads: "Botenstab. Er dient zur Erinnerungs eines Auftrages"=Message stick. It serves as a reminder of an order.
Item type: message stick in a collection
Dimension 1: 141mm
Notes: Compare WER1897PXVIIIF332
Media Files:
Data Entry: Piers Kelly