Title: A message stick held in the South Australian Museum
Description: Message stick from the South Australian Museum
Date Created: 1946
Notes on date created: terminus ante quem
Item type: message stick in a collection
Notes on linguistic areas: The origin of the message stick is given simply as “Central Australia”. It therefore cannot be a associated with a linguistic area.
Source types: museum collection
Date collected: Date registered: March 1946
Institution/Holder file: The South Australian Museum object identifier: A-35723
Collector: Donated by: Smith, Dr W. Ramsay; collection of
Media copyright: The South Australian Museum
Notes: According to SAM original register: "Said that an expedition into Central Australia disturbed and took possession of certain stones connected with religious rites. This stick has a bearing on the subject." 19.10.23 NR: Checked SAM original register - no new information, except the one mentioned above.
Media Files:
Data Entry: Olena Tykhostup, Nitzan Rotman