
Title: A message stick from an unknown region requesting permission for the bearer to hunt

Description: Message stick from the South Australian Museum

Message: Register says 'Requesting leave to hunt in other tribes country'

Date Created: 1945

Notes on date created: terminus ante quem

Item type: message stick in a collection

Subtype: traditional

Notes on linguistic areas: The origin of the message stick is given simply as “Australia”. It therefore cannot be associated with a linguistic area. From catalogue: "Australia, No Data"

Cultural region: unlocalisable

Source types: museum collection

Date collected: Date registered: Apr 1945

Institution/Holder file: The South Australian Museum object identifier: A-34256

Collector: Purchased from: Cook collection

Media copyright: The South Australian Museum

Notes: SAM has provided images but permission not yet secured to append them to the AMSD: SAM-A34256_Notation.tif SAM-A34256_Side_01.tif SAM-A34256_Side_02.tif AR: Checked against original SAM register. No new information.

Media Files:

Data Entry: Olena Tykhostup, Piers Kelly, Alexandra Roginski