
Title: A message stick held in the South Australian Museum

Description: Message stick from the South Australian Museum

Message: «summons to Law ceremony»

Date Created: 1929

Notes on date created: terminus ante quem

Item type: message stick in a collection

Subtype: traditional

Semantic domains: sd_ceremony_law

Source types: museum collection

Date collected: Acquisition Date: 03. Oct 1929

Institution/Holder file: The South Australian Museum object identifier: A-15409

Collector: Donated by: Birks, L.N.; estate of

Media copyright: The South Australian Museum

Notes: 18.10.23 NR: According to SAM original register - associated with 2 loose labels reading (1) "invitation to 'coming of age' ceremonial" (2) "inviting members of another tribe to a corroboree". This remark is marked for the following records: 15406, 15407, 15408, 15409, 15410. For details on the collector, see Terry, Michael. 1930. "A Journey Through the North-West of Central Australia in 1928." The Geographical Journal 75 (3):218-222.

Media Files:

Data Entry: Olena Tykhostup, Nitzan Rotman