Coordinates WGS84 | 22°S, 115°E -22.00, 115.00 |
Title: A message stick held in the Rautenstrauch-Joest Museum, Cologne, Germany
Description: RJM register:"Botenstab" (Google translate: Messenger staff)
Date Created: 1926
Notes on date created: terminus ante quem
Item type: message stick in a collection
State/Territory: WA
Notes on linguistic areas: The origin of the message stick is Western Australia, Gascoyne to De Grey River
Dimension 1: 258mm Dimension 2: 14mm
Materials: wood
Techniques: schnitzerei; brandmalerei (google translate: carving; pyrography)
Source types: museum collection
Date collected: Purchased: 9.2.1926
Institution/Holder file: Rautenstrauch-Joest Museum object identifier: Inventar-Nr. (Inventory No.) RJM 38083 Konvolut-Nr. (Lot No.) RJM 1925/15
Collector: E. Clement
Coordinates: 22°S,115°E (-22.0, 115.0)
Media copyright: Rautenstrauch-Joest Museum
Notes on coordinates: Approximate coordinates for the Gascoyne region, Western Australia, per Google maps. Wikipedia: The Gascoyne region is one of the nine administrative regions of Western Australia. It is located in the northwest of Western Australia, and consists of the local government areas of Carnarvon, Exmouth, Shark Bay and Upper Gascoyne. The De Grey River is a river located in the Pilbara region of Western Australia.
Notes: 2.8.24 NR: Gewicht: 16 g. bis 09.02.1926, E. Clement; von 09.02.1926, Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum - Kulturen der Welt (Purchasing). (Google translate: Weight 16g. until 09.02.1926, E. Clement; from 09.02.1926, Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum - Cultures of the World (Purchasing))
Media Files:
Data Entry: Nitzan Rotman