
Title: A message stick sent between Mandajugana and Ngarluma at the Pitt Rivers Museum

Description: Passport of the Mandajugana tribe (hill country) to the Ngarluma tribe living between the Yule and Sherlock Rivers.

Date Created: 1898

Notes on date created: terminus ante quem

Notes on linguistic areas: From PRM description: "Passport of the Mandajugana tribe (hill country) to the Ngarluma tribe living between the Yule and Sherlock Rivers". PK: possible that Mandajugana is actually Martuthunira

Term for 'message stick' (or related) in language: marben

Dimension 1: 187mm

Institution/Holder file: Pitt Rivers Museum object identifier: 1898.75.58

Collector: Field collector Emile Louis Bruno Clement (uncertain) PRM source Emile Louis Bruno Clement

Media copyright: Pitt Rivers Museum

Media Files:

Data Entry: Piers Kelly