
Title: A message stick held in the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County (NHMLAC)

Description: NHMLAC online catalogue: "Message Stick". Description from accession file: "-17; A message stick from Victoria. It is incised with geometric patterns with blue paint inside inscribed lines and holes. Three rows of holes are on one side, but go enitrely through the piece. Three holes along the edge do penetrate through. Stendahl #276. Length: 8 3/8 inches, Width: 1 3/16 inches, thickness: 7/8 inches." Description from Blomberg card: "Carved wood. Rectangular shape. Deeply incised geometric line designs filled with bright blue paint. Three holes along one edge."

Date Created: 1963

Notes on date created: terminus ante quem

Item type: message stick in a collection

State/Territory: VIC

Notes on linguistic areas: The origin of the message stick is given simply as “Australia, Victoria”. It therefore cannot be associated with a linguistic area.

Dimension 1: 213mm Dimension 2: 31mm

Materials: wood

Date collected: Date Accessioned: June, 1963

Institution/Holder file: Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County object identifier: L.2100.A.13.63-17

Collector: F. Kellner

Media copyright: Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County

URL institution: https://collections.nhm.org/anthropology/Display.php?irn=958185&QueryPage=%2Fanthropology%2F&BackRef=ResultsList.php

Notes: 21.3.24 PK: Reckitt's blue? 228.24 NR: Measurement Notes: Above measurements come from Blomberg card. Measurement from accession file: Length: 8 3/8 inches, Width: 1 3/16 inches, thickness: 7/8 inches.

Media Files:

Data Entry: Nitzan Rotman, Piers Kelly