
Title: A message stick from Northampton in Museums Victoria

Date Created: 1890

Notes on date created: terminus ante quem

Item type: message stick in a collection

Term for 'message stick' (or related) in language: bumbaroo

Institution/Holder file: Museums Victoria object identifier: X 855

Media copyright: Museums Victoria

Notes: MusV data: X 000855, Message stick, Northampton, Northwest (Western Australia), Western Australia, Australia, Registered Forrest, Honourable John (Purchase, 10 Nov 1890) John Forrest Collection Nhanta Northampton Western Australia Original register: "Passport Stick, Bumbaroo. Of Mulga wood, cigar-shape with 2 rings burnt in at each end. It is a safe Passport for any native from tribe to tribe. Gaur[?] Tribe, Northampton, West Asturalia. Purchased. See letter 90/803. Collected by teh Ohn. J. Forrest. "

Data Entry: Piers Kelly