Title: A message stick made by Taungurung artist Mick Harding in 2019
Description: From First Peoples' Assembly of Victoria Facebook page "Taungurung artist Mick Harding created these two message sticks for us. The first honours the Aboriginal Treaty Interim Working Group, Aboriginal Treaty Working Group, and the Community Assembly. This was handed to the inaugural Assembly Members at their first meeting in 2019"
Date Created: 2019
Item type: message stick in a private collection
Subtype: political
State/Territory: VIC
URL source 1: https://www.facebook.com/firstpeoplesvic/posts/pfbid02B8XbLbk6J41ecfae3NhT1xT3BesPm4rBYAt2oXjWXPchcbA3n8SSVLybrDmTTUhl
Media Files:
Data Entry: Piers Kelly