
Title: Sketch of a message stick from M. Frank's "Botenstäbe in Australien" (1940)

Description: Sketch of message stick wrapped in a piece of fur (fig. 10) on p. 345 in Maria Frank's "Botenstäbe in Australien": "In vielen Fällen wird der zu diesen Botschaften benutzte Botenstab [eingeschlagen] in ein Stuck Fell (54 11/206,Nr. 2) (Pitt Rivers Museum Oxford),Fig.10 ", p.335. Translation JB: "In many cases, the message stick used to these messages [initiation invitation] is wrapped in a piece of fur".

Message: Boy initiation invitation

Date Created: 1940

Notes on date created: terminus ante quem

Item type: image of a message stick (artefact missing)


  • Frank, Maria. 1940. "Botenstäbe in Australien."
  • Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 72 (4/6): 328-352.
  • Notes: OT: The stick is taken from Pitt Rivers Museum Oxford; 54 II/206, Nr. 2. See if it can be merged

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    Data Entry: Olena Tykhostup