Leaflet Map data: © OpenStreetMap contributors, SRTM | Map style: © OpenTopoMap (CC-BY-SA)
Coordinates WGS8421°23'S, 117°04'E
-21.38, 117.06


Title: A message stick held in the Museum of Ethnography, Geneva (Musée d'ethnographie de Genève)

Description: MEG online catalogue: "Bâton de message" (Google translate: "Message stick"). According to a typewritten copy (PDF) of the original handwritten MEG Inventory: "Bâton de communication (bêton-message) cylindre appointi aux deux bouts avec traits croisés" (Google translate: "Communication stick (message concrete) reinforced cylinder at both ends with crossed lines").

Date Created: 1928

Notes on date created: terminus ante quem MEG online catalogue: "Early 20th century"

Item type: message stick in a collection

State/Territory: WA

Notes on linguistic areas: The message stick is associated with Western Australia, Pidungu or Ngarluma.

Dimension 1: 310mm Dimension 2: 14mm

Materials: wood

Date collected: 1928

Institution/Holder file: Museum of Ethnography, Geneva (Musée d'ethnographie de Genève) object identifier: ETHOC 011748

Collector: Acquired from: Emile Clement, 1928

Coordinates: 21°23'4.200000"S,117°03'48.499200"E  (-21.3845, 117.063472)

Media copyright: Museum of Ethnography, Geneva (Musée d'ethnographie de Genève)

Notes on coordinates: Ngarluma linguistic area per Bowern’s Google Earth coordinates map. Gnalluma = Ngarluma. Could not locate info re "Pidungu".

URL institution:

Notes: 12.3.24 NR: MEG's original inventory register - not indexed, is also available and has been uploaded as an image.

Media Files:

Data Entry: Nitzan Rotman