Title: A messenger with a message stick represented in the 1955 film 'Jedda' after 01:17:30
Description: Video excerpt runs from 1:11:47 until 1:15:28. Having abducted Jedda, Marbuck travels with her down the river where he meets the tribal council. He is presented with a message stick and 'reads' it silently (the messenger says nothing). As if following the instructions on the stick he goes up towards the group of old men who exile him for having taken a woman of the wrong skin. Later, at 1:15:10, the narrator says: "The message stick tells Marbuck that the old men's council will talk to him on the Bora ground above the river"
Item type: fictional message stick
URL source 1: https://www.sbs.com.au/ondemand/watch/612877891878
Media Files:
Data Entry: Piers Kelly