Title: A message stick mentioned by John Harris associated with the first Christian funeral on Groote Eylandt
Description: LR wrote (27 August 2021): "Actually I was just talking to John Harris the other day about message sticks at the mission – he claimed that his father (early missionary) had a message stick inviting people from the east Arnhem region to the first Christian funeral on Groote Eylandt (apparently it’s now held by the NMA)." JH wrote to PK on 28 August 2021: "There is indeed a message stick connected with the first Christian funeral on Groote Eylandt or, more specifically, a memorial service for Dakalarra some weeks after the funeral as he had naturally been buried quickly. This stick is NOT in the museum. I have it, or at least my brother does. "
Message: «attend sorry business»
Item type: positive text reference
Subtype: story
State/Territory: NT
Cultural region: TopEnd_groote
Notes: LR wrote (27 August 2021): "Actually I was just talking to John Harris the other day about message sticks at the mission – he claimed that his father (early missionary) had a message stick inviting people from the east Arnhem region to the first Christian funeral on Groote Eylandt (apparently it’s now held by the NMA)." -Look for kindle edition of John Harris' One Blood: 200 Years of Aboriginal Encounter with Christianity: A Story of Hope
Data Entry: Piers Kelly