
Title: A message stick from Western Australia held in the Grassi Museum Leipzig

Description: Ceremonial message stick from the collection of the Grassi Museum Leipzig, catalogue Au 640

Date Created: 1904

Notes on date created: terminus ante quem

Item type: message stick in a collection

Notes on linguistic areas: The origin of the message stick is given simply as “Western Australia”. It therefore cannot be a associated with a linguistic area.

Dimension 1: 208mm

Source types: museum collection

Date collected: Acquisition date 1904

Institution/Holder file: The Grassi Museum Leipzig object identifier: Au640

Collector: Bought from: Webster

Media copyright: The Grassi Museum Leipzig

Notes: Diese zeremoniellen Botenstaebe wurden benutzt, um Teilnehmer fuer bestimmte geheme Zeremonien einzuladen. Die Muster wurden sehr sorgfaeltig eigeritzt, ihre Bedeutung war geheim und ist deshalb auch an den Sammler Webster nicht uebermittelt werden. Translation: "These ceremonial message sticks were used to invite the participants to specific secret ceremonies. The patterns were carved with great care, their meaning is kept secret and therefore the collector, Webster, could not report about it." (tranls. Olena Tykhostup)

Media Files:

Data Entry: Olena Tykhostup