Title: A possible message stick at the Gordon L. Grosscup Museum Detroit

Date Created: 1977

Notes on date created: terminus ante quem (date accessioned)

Item type: message stick in a collection

object identifier: 8W65

Collector: Dr Richard Waterman

Notes: From accession document: "Number of parcels: 2. Date rec'd: Unknown. Doorbooked by Grosscup. Collector's name: Dr Richard Waterman. Collectors address: deceased. Donor's name: same. Description of contents: Two boxes, mainly Australian but with one set of 6 (six) bronze figures which are African. Catalogue numbers: 6W 110-15. 8W 78-112. Catalogued by: Grosscup. Date catalogued: 2/9/77 [PK: US date, thus 9 Feb 77]

Media Files:

Data Entry: Piers Kelly