
Title: A message stick held in Ethnologisches Museum Berlin

Description: Botenstab Original description from EMB catalog: "Schlagholz, 57 cm lang, Australien. R. Virchow [...] Geschenk anthropolo. Ges."

Item type: message stick in a collection

Notes on linguistic areas: The origin of the message stick is given simply as “Australia”. It therefore cannot be a associated with a linguistic area.

Dimension 1: 570mm Dimension 2: 25mm Dimension 3: 25mm

Materials: wood

Source types: museum collection

Institution/Holder file: Ethnologisches Museum Berlin object identifier: VI 40143

Collector: Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte Rudolf Virchow

Media copyright: Ethnologisches Museum Berlin

Notes: Schlagholz

Media Files:

Data Entry: Piers Kelly