Title: A message stick from North Australia held in Ethnologisches Museum Berlin, reproduced by A.Bastian (1880)
Description: A message stick held in Ethnologisches Museum Berlin Sketch of two facets of one message stick (fig. 2a and 2b) on p. 245 of "Message-sticks der Australie" by A. Bastian Original description from EMB catalog: "Botschafsstab, ca. 15cm lang […] mit Gravierungen menschicher Gesichter." Translation: "Message stick, about 15cm long [...] with engravings of human faces" (JB).
Date Created: 1880
Notes on date created: terminus ante quem (for sketch)
Item type: message stick in a collection
Notes on linguistic areas: The origin of the message stick is given simply as “New Holland, North Australia”. It therefore cannot be a associated with a linguistic area.
Dimension 1: 153mm Dimension 2: 10mm Dimension 3: 9mm
Materials: wood
Techniques: carved
Source types: book source, museum collection
Institution/Holder file: Ethnologisches Museum Berlin object identifier: VI 2583
Collector: Sammler: Frl. J.B. Palmer
Media copyright: Ethnologisches Museum Berlin
Notes: Katalog-Nr.: VI 25883 Herkunft: Neu Holland, North Australien Standort: 145 L 11 L Sammler: Frl. Palmer Art und Datum d. Erwerbung: Gesch. 79 Beschreibung: Botschaftsstab
Media Files:
Data Entry: Piers Kelly