Title: Koongarra message stick for Prime Minister Bob Hawke
Description: Message stick from the Koongarra people presented to the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Clive Holding, to be given to the Prime Minister (Mr Hawke). Presented by Mr Gerry Blitner, Chairman of the Northern Land Council while the minister was visiting Galiwinku, NT, on 20 July 1983. [Senate Hansard, 8 Sept 1983 pp. 578, 580-1]
Item type: positive text reference
Subtype: political
Cultural region: TopEnd
Institution/Holder file: AIATSIS object identifier: COLBUNG.K14.BW (N04522)
Media copyright: AIATSIS
Notes: Noted in email to Piers Kelly from Paula Waring (Department of the Senate)
Data Entry: Piers Kelly