Title: The Message Stick Vehicle
Description: Description from Michael Butler: "Message Journey Period (date range): Start September 1995 to June 2019 Total 24 years Make, Model and Year of Vehicle: Land Rover - Series 2 1960 Ex Army Ambulance served 30 years in the ADF. Originally owned by Michael Butler for 24 years who took the vehicle around Australia. Communities if known - 41 communities around Australia plus another 40 communities names in major cities around Australia."
Creator of Object: Michael Butler and participants in 41 Indigenous communities
Date Created: 1995
Item type: fictional message stick
Institution/Holder file: The Michelton Gallery of Aboriginal Art
Media copyright: The Michelton Gallery of Aboriginal Art
URL institution: https://mitchelton.com.au/gallery/
URL source 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8AuZc_6S2c
Notes: Description from I have attached a list as a PDF As mentioned, It would be great to receive the correct protocol if you could mention my name 'Michael Butler' as the owner of The Message Stick Vehicle during its collection of significant Abouriginal artwork over 24 years while traveling around Australia. The Message Stick Vehicle
Media Files:
Data Entry: Piers Kelly