Title: A photo of a message stick in an article (1942)
Description: From article: "PROBLEM FOR CENSOR! This unusual mail item, an aboriginal message stick carrying greet- ings from an aborigine in the A.I.F.[PK: Australian Imperial Force] to a kinsman in the Northern Territory, gave military censors their biggest headache to date. Inci- sions on the twig form the message, while on the slip of paper threaded to one end of the twig is the address. The 'Passed by Cen- sor' stamp shows how know ledgeable military censers are expected to be. — A.I.F. official photo."
Date Created: 1942
Notes on date created: Exact year
Item type: image of a message stick (artefact missing)
Subtype: traditional
Cultural region: unlocalisable
URL source 1: http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article75888536
Media Files:
Data Entry: Piers Kelly