Coordinates WGS84 | 30°47'S, 121°29'E -30.78, 121.49 |
Title: A message stick held in the Australian Museum
Date Created: 1956
Notes on date created: terminus ante quem
Item type: message stick in a collection
State/Territory: WA
Notes on linguistic areas: The origin of the message stick is Boulder, Goldfields, Western Australia
Source types: museum collection
Date collected: Registration Date: 06-04-1956
Institution/Holder file: The Australian Museum object identifier: E058388-005
Coordinates: 30°46'54.998400"S,121°29'18.999600"E (-30.781944, 121.488611)
Media copyright: The Australian Museum
Notes on coordinates: Absolute coordinates for Boulder, Western Australia, per Google maps. Wikipedia: Boulder is a suburb of Kalgoorlie in the Western Australian Goldfields, 597 kilometres east of Perth. Prior to 1989, Boulder was a town, but it was merged with Kalgoorlie to form the City of Kalgoorlie–Boulder.
Data Entry: Julia Bespamyatnykh, Nitzan Rotman